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Tuesday, January 18, 2011


pearls {18/365}

Nothing spectacular, but it's the best I could get today, as I've come down with the flu. And it's exam week. I really don't need to be sick right now...sorry, I'm starting to rant now. Can you tell I'm a little frustrated? ;)



  1. Feel better, and this is brill for being sick!

  2. It may not be spectacular, but it is a beautiful photo. I love the simplicity of it. I hope you feel better soon! Try not to stress too much. Trust me, I know taking exams while sick is extremely difficult....I was so sick during my junior year that I was still making up midterms a month after exam week. You'll get through it! Sending positive thoughts your way! :)

  3. I really like this photo; it has a great focus and texture. :)

    That's too bad about the flu/exams. Hope you feel better soon!


  4. Very nice! Hope you get well soon.

  5. Lovely, lovely photo. Hope you feel better soon!

  6. I love pearls and I think you photographed them beautifully here. :). Get well soon! & good luck on exams.

  7. Great shot! I hope you are feeling better soon.
