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Saturday, January 15, 2011

one - fifteen.

Yep, I'm the one who starts a project 365 blog in the middle of January. I'm cool like that.
And since it's January fifteenth and this is my very first post and I'm feeling lazy, I'm putting all my photographs that I've taken so far in here. In one collage, so I only have to upload one thing instead of fifteen. Because that's how I roll.
(Told you I was feeling lazy.)

I went for a more simple feel when it came to the design of embrace (click here to read the story behind the name), which meant no Century Gothic font, a one column layout, and muted colors - except for the post title color. What do you think?



  1. I love it! Beautiful, beautiful photos. :)

  2. I think the blog design is simply lovely and your photos are so beautiful. Blessings, Candace

  3. I like it a lot :). Love the photos. ♥

  4. Oh I love it. I started a P365 blog too. Mine isn't as beautiful as yours though. Lovely photos, as always!

  5. Great photos. Feel free to link up to my 365 if you want. :D http://naptimemomtog.com/category/photography/project-365/

  6. Wow, you're definitely off to a great start. I can't wait to follow through the year!

  7. Looks like it's going to be a great blog!
