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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

twenty two - twenty four.

Trying to get all caught up...I'm a bad project 365-er. It will improve, I promise! ;)

(Clockwise, starting at left: my lunch, my cozy bed, headboard light bokeh - all SOOC.)



  1. Very pretty! {I love bokeh. Does your camera have a specific setting for that?} The taco looks tempting and oh-so-yummy!

  2. What is that meal called? I've always loved people taking good photos of meals! Which you have :)

  3. Your lunch looks delicious! Is that a Greek salad or sandwich?

  4. My lunch is a soft taco I made...it consists of sour cream, beans, fresh pico de gallo, carmelized onions, and hunks of cheese :) (Sorry that was probably more information that you wanted...ha.)

    And Grace, no, my camera doesn't have a specific setting for bokeh. I just set it on manual focus and turn the dial until everything's completely out of focus :)
