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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

thirty eight.

the little ballerina {38/365}

One of my new favorite images of Lilly. I love the rather different angle, the soulfulness the black and white adds, the fact that she's wearing a ballerina swim suit in the middle of winter.



  1. Love this! You are so creative with your photos, which is what make you my favorite photographer. :)

  2. This photo is stunning. I love it!

  3. Love it! {A LOT!!!}:) Keep up the good work!

  4. Your sister is precious, Carlotta. This photo reminds me a lot of my younger sister when she was little...she liked to wear Summer clothes in the Winter too and danced around like the little ballerina that she was! I love that you chose to make this photo black and white by the way; it adds a lot of depth and warmth to the beautifully angled shot. Nice job girl! =)

  5. I liked; no LOVED the last part of the sentence where you mentioned, "and the fact that she is wearing a ballerina swimsuit in the middle of winter." XD


  6. Haha, ballerina suits in the middle of winter rule!
