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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

thirty three.

ice encrusted rose bush. {33/365}

I know the ice isn't good for power lines and for driving, but it's just so dang beautiful. I can never resist taking a shot or four of something ice encrusted.



  1. That is so beautiful!! Seeing all of this snow/ice on all of these blogs makes me sad! There's no snow here in Washington. It's super cold, but no snow.

  2. Gorgeous!!! You are ever so talented, Miss Carlotta!:) Both your blogs are such an inspiration to me, and bring a smile one my face whenever I view your new photographs!:)


  3. Wow that gorgeous! Especially to me--we don't get ANY snow!!!

  4. I was going to take some ice photos, but I didn't want to face the below zero degrees windchill! Also, I wanted a QUALITY camera, and my parents camera has only FIVE megapixels! :(


    P.S. I forgot to mention that I LOVE your pictures!!! :D
